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Text File  |  1997-02-28  |  12KB  |  345 lines

  1. object PZListViewForm: TPZListViewForm
  2.   Left = 201
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  5.   Height = 420
  6.   Caption = 'PZListView'
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  13.   Position = poDefault
  14.   Visible = True
  15.   OnClose = FormClose
  16.   OnCreate = FormCreate
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  70.       Caption = 
  71.         '\lbThe PZListView control allows you to display a list of items ' +
  72.         'containing one or more columns.\lb\lbThe list can be sorted by  ' +
  73.         'clicking a column header.\lb\lbColumns can be resized.'
  74.       Font.Color = clBlack
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  82.     object PZLabel2: TPZLabel
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  96.     end
  97.     object PZLabel3: TPZLabel
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  103.       Caption = 
  104.         '\lbThe background can be plain or contain a bitmap.\lb\lbSingle ' +
  105.         'or multiple selection is supported.\lb\lbEach item can have a di' +
  106.         'fferent image associated with it.'
  107.       Font.Color = clBlack
  108.       Font.Height = -13
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  115.   end
  116.   object ResultsPanel: TPZBitmapPanel
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  121.     Align = alClient
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  129.     object PZLabel1: TPZLabel
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  133.       Height = 20
  134.       Align = alBottom
  135.       Caption = 'Try it now!'
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  143.     end
  144.     object PZLabel5: TPZLabel
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  150.       Caption = 'Example:'
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  258.         Items.Strings = (
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  269.             '19.00'#9'7.48'
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  277.             '43'
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  283.             #9'11.02'
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  285.           '90220'#9'Grunt'#9'French Grunt'#9'Haemulon flavolineatum'#9'30.00'#9'11.81'
  286.           '90230'#9'Snapper'#9'Dog Snapper'#9'Lutjanus jocu'#9'90.00'#9'35.43'
  287.           '90240'#9'Grouper'#9'Nassau Grouper'#9'Epinephelus striatus'#9'91.00'#9'35.82'
  288.           '90250'#9'Wrasse'#9'Bluehead Wrasse'#9'Thalassoma bifasciatum'#9'15.00'#9'5.90'
  289.           '90260'#9'Jack'#9'Yellow Jack'#9'Gnathanodon speciousus'#9'90.00'#9'35.43'
  291.             '90270'#9'Surfperch'#9'Redtail Surfperch'#9'Amphistichus rhodoterus'#9'40.00'#9 +
  292.             '15.74'
  293.           '90280'#9'Croaker'#9'White Sea Bass'#9'Atractoscion nobilis'#9'150.00'#9'59.05'
  295.             '90290'#9'Greenling'#9'Rock Greenling'#9'Hexagrammos lagocephalus'#9'60.00'#9'23' +
  296.             '.62'
  297.           '90300'#9'Wrasse'#9'Senorita'#9'Oxyjulis californica'#9'25.00'#9'9.84'
  298.           '90310'#9'Smelt'#9'Surf Smelt'#9'Hypomesus pretiosus'#9'25.00'#9'9.84')
  299.         OnCompareItems = FishViewCompareItems
  300.         Options = [loShowHeader, loShowIndicators, loMultiSelect, loThumbTracking]
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  311.     object OutputPanel2: TPZBitmapPanel
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  343.   end
  344. end